Saturday, January 4, 2014

Yum Yum Yummy Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake

I baked this yummy chocolate cake on the day of Christmas. We had small get together in the evening and I started first with baking this cake. I had bought all the stuff needed to bake on previous day. This is my first attempt baking the cake in oven and I didn't have any idea how it will turn out. Without making any hurry I arranged all the ingredients one by one and with lot of patience I melted the chocolate and mixed everything and poured the cake batter in two cake tins and put it in a oven. I was so anxious and literally sitting in front of the oven and watching throughout the fate of my cake. The batter started raising beautifully and started to leave the edges. Just 5 minutes before taking the tins out I inserted the toothpick and checked out the cake. Without any fuss the cake had baked perfectly!!! Phew!!! I was jumping with joy and my daughter was amused seeing my reaction. I took the cake out and allowed to cool in the rack...... I tasted bit of it and it tasted heavenly. I sandwiched the two cakes with decorating it on the top and in between.. and in the evening we cut the cake in front of all the guests and served it. The reaction was so amazing and lot of compliments poured in... I felt extremely happy... I give all the credit to Shireen and her lovely blog ruchikrandhap. I follow her blog very closely and have tried many of her recipes. I made the cake exactly like hers with minor modification. This cake is perfect for celebrations and parties, a extremely rich, moist and decadent chocolate cake you will love to bake and eat again and again.....

Preparation time : 30 mins 
Baking time         : 40 mins
Serves                  : 10-15 

 Ingredients :
115 grams dark chocolate
275ml light milk (non-fat) boiled and cooled
200 grams (7 oz) light brown sugar
1 egg yolk (of medium large egg)
260 grams (9 oz) plain flour or maida
1 teaspoon baking sada or soda bi carb 
150 grams unsalted butter 
260 grams (9 oz) caster sugar
3 eggs (medium large eggs)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt 

For the icing :
200 grams plain chocolate
25 grams dark chocolate
200 ml light sour cream 
1/4 teaspoon salt 

Method :
Preheat the oven to 180 degree C

Grease the two cake tins (9 inch) with butter and line with baking parchment and keep aside

Sift the plain flour, baking soda and salt and keep aside

Place a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water and melt the chocolate along with one third of milk, brown sugar and egg yolk. Take everything together and melt it. Stir continuously until all the chocolate gets melted and forms a smooth paste. Remove the bowl  from the pan and keep aside.

Beat the eggs well in a bowl. Keep aside

Cream butter and caster sugar well till is fluffy and add the beaten eggs little by little. Mix it very well. 

Add the plain flour, brown sugar and milk in three parts into butter and egg mixture beginning and ending with flour. combine everything very well.

Add the chocolate mixture and whisk it well. Add the vanilla essence and mix well. The cake batter is ready. 

Now pour the cake batter into greased and lined cake tins equally and gently tap the tins on the kitchen counter to remove air bubbles

Bake the cake for 40 minutes and check by inserting toothpick. If it comes out clean remove the cake tins from the oven and allow it to cool for 10 mins

Invert the cake tins on the cooling rack and remove the baking parchment slowly. let the cakes to cool completely.

Now prepare the icing mixture by melting the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Remove the bowl from the pan and allow to cool a bit. Add the sour cream and salt. combine everything well. 

Place one cake on a plate and spread one third of icing mixture over it. Now place a second cake over and spread the remaining icing mixture on top and sides and finish decorating it. 

Notes :

I used Belgian dark chocolate and plain milk chocolate. You can use any dark chocolate and plain chocolate.

I beat 3 eggs + 1 egg white (remained while extracting egg yolk to melt the chocolate) and added to the butter and sugar mix.

If you have no caster sugar don't worry! You can powder the white sugar in a blender to powder. 


  1. hi blossom... very nice blog n yummy cake... my one suggestion while blogging - when mentioning the source of your recipe, always include the link so that they will be notified and the readers also get a chance to see the original.. :) when u include the link to the original recipe or ur inspiration source, not only will the cook (in this cake ruchik randhap) get the notification that his or her blog is being mentioned somewhere, they too will stop by your blog to have a look and if they like it will follow and soon word will spread and you will have a huge audience :) all the best!

  2. also pls remove word verification... its such a turn off! :)

  3. Hridya, I am glad that you liked my blog and thanks for your suggestion about including the link to the original recipe. I will take care of it next time. I knew about it but didn't know how to link. I have just started blogging and do not know much about it. I have to learn quite a few things :) Any way thank you for bringing this to my notice and I have not used the word verification anywhere.

  4. hehe.. its very easy.. go to settings tab and see what the settings are like... to add link just highlight the word u need the people to click to go to any other website, and on top bar u have the link button, just paste the required link there... if this sounds confusing u might want to use the blogger help.. its good.... all the best :)

  5. by word verification i meant, when i am commenting the blog doesnt let me publish my comment immediately, while yours asks me to prove i am not a robot.. it is still on... u can change in settings tab :)
