Thursday, December 12, 2013

Beat The Heat With Summer Salad

Sydney is getting hot day by day. Sun is busy giving light and moon is resting a lot. We have long day hours and less dark hours. My intake of liquids and salads have increased these days. So this salad is perfect for summer entertaining, quick to make and healthy.

Preparation time : 10 mins
Serves                   : 2

Ingredients :
1 medium sized cucumber chopped 
1 medium sized ripe tomato chopped 
Half Onion chopped finely 
1 green chilly chopped finely
2 tablespoon sprouted Moong beans
5-6 cherries (optional)
Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon chat masala

Method :

Add chopped cucumber, tomato, onion, green chilly, cherries and sprouted moong beans. Mix well.

Then add rest of the seasonings and mix well. Enjoy.....

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