Thursday, December 5, 2013

Guacamole, Mexican avocado dip

Avocados have lot of health benefits. They are rich in monounsaturated fat, potassium, minerals and vitamins. Studies have shown that when consumed,  avocados lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. They are also known as butter fruit. Avocados are very bland in taste.

My 2 year old daughter likes avocados a lot. Usually I mash them, add milk, little sugar and feed her. She calls it as "cado". When she asked me today to give her cado I thought I will make something out of it. So I searched various recipes made from avocado and found this dip very interesting. It is a Mexican avocado dip known as Guacamole. It is very easy to prepare and it is used as dip for tortillas, chips, rice crackers or spread for sandwiches or filling for burritos. Try and let me know how you feel about this recipe...

Preparation time : 10 mins
Serves                  :  2-3 people


1 ripe avocado- halved and seed removed
Half a riped tomato-seeds and pulp removed and chopped into small bite pieces
Small piece of onion chopped finely
1 green chilly chopped finely
1 tablespoon coriander leaves chopped finely
1 teaspoon lime juice
Pinch of sugar
Salt as per your taste
1 garlic clove minced (optional)-I dint add
Finely ground pepper powder - 1/4 teaspoon


Remove the flesh of avocado and place it in bowl and mash it till it is almost smooth... Add rest of the ingredients and mix it well.  Your delicious avocado dip is ready.

Note: If you want to keep the dip refrigerated and eat it little later please don't add onions. Onions leave water and the dip will not taste good. You can add onions just before you serve...

Avocado when cut into half...