Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fish Curry.... My Signature Dish

Its a bliss to live in the coastal area because you can eat variety of fishes. As I am a Mangalorean, I am a die hard fan of fish... This is the way my mom prepares the fish curry. Though I can not match the taste in my fish curry as my mom still you can trust me with this recipe ;). Today's fish curry is a super hit.. Both my husband and daughter loved it.. The fish I used today is leatherjacket. Leather jackets are found throughout Australian waters and are available year round. Leather jackets are named for their thick skin, which has a sandpaper-like texture and peels easily from the flesh when preparing. They are full of flesh with one bone in the center and quite delicious.  

This fish curry goes well for all the type of fish. 

Preparation time : 20 mins
Serves                 : 4 people 


Fish of your choice 3/4 kg (I used Leather jacket)

For grinding:

1 cup fresh or frozen coconut
9-10 byadgi chillies
1 large onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic without skin
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 small marble sized ball tamarind

For seasoning:
1 tablespoon oil
1 small onion finely sliced
1 green chilly slit lengthwise
1 inch ginger chopped finely
Salt to taste


Grind all the ingredients listed under grinding in a blender into very smooth paste adding little water

Heat oil in a pan fry onion, green chilly and ginger listed under seasoning for 2 -3 min

Add the masala and 2 cups of water and make it thin but not too watery

Add salt and boil in medium heat until the raw smell of coconut disappear

Add the cleaned fish and boil it in simmer for 5 mins. Please don't stir the fish as they may break into pieces.

Your delicious fish curry is ready... serve it with rice or chapathis or neerdosas

Note: The fish curry tastes good only after 6-8 hours of preparing (fish will not absorb salt quickly and fish will taste very bland if you serve it just after you prepare it) and please do taste check (salt and tamarind) before adding the fish in the masala.

Fish curry